Tricia Hatley, P.E., F.NSPE
Freese and Nichols, Inc, President Elect NSPE
Vice President and Oklahoma Division Manager
Freese and Nichols, Inc, President Elect NSPE
Vice President and Oklahoma Division Manager
Phillip Rains
Bosch Thermotechnology
HVAC-R Application Engineer Bosch/FHP Engineering Applications (TT/SNA-EAP) Water Source/Geothermal Heat Pump Trainer, IGSHPA CGD, CGI
Bosch Thermotechnology
HVAC-R Application Engineer Bosch/FHP Engineering Applications (TT/SNA-EAP) Water Source/Geothermal Heat Pump Trainer, IGSHPA CGD, CGI
Jim Mailey
North American Deck and Railing Association
Instructor, Training Manager, Simpson Strong-Tie
North American Deck and Railing Association
Instructor, Training Manager, Simpson Strong-Tie