Full Name
Theresa Andrejack-Loux, Ph.D., P.E.
Job Title
Chief Technical Officer
Aero Aggregates of North America
Speaker Bio
Theresa is the Chief Technical Officer for Aero Aggregates of North America where her primary responsibilities include overseeing Aero’s research and development activities, technical documentation, engineering support, quality control program, and education and outreach efforts. Theresa brings to Aero over fifteen years of combined industry and academic experience. In the past, Theresa has been involved in and managed a variety of civil, geotechnical, and geoenvironmental consulting and construction projects. She has completed design and management tasks for projects that involve data collection, interpretation, and analysis; geosynthetic design; slope stability analyses; mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) design; subsurface investigation programs; geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring; stormwater and erosion control design; environmental site remediation; cost estimating; construction quality assurance; and constructability evaluations. Theresa is also very active in our community outreach which includes presenting to middle school and high school students interested in STEM and engineering careers.

Theresa has taught geotechnical and other civil engineering courses at Rowan, Drexel, Temple, and Bucknell Universities and is the current vice-chair of the Delaware Valley Geo-Institute.
Theresa Andrejack-Loux, Ph.D., P.E.